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Yo Tom

Rhys | 11/1/2007
hi there, my name's Marieke and I live in Belgium. Today was the first time since a couple of years that i heard your song again. it really brought home to me how beautiful this world is. i'm listening to your song for the whole afternoon yet, and i'm still not getting tired of it. I also 'discovered' that you're only one year older than I am, and I don't know why, but I'm so happy that that is the reality. It really makes me so happy to know that you had such a big understanding of what's going on in the world. I know you're very busy and I even don't know if you'll read this. I can only hope for it. I just want you to know that it would really mean a lot to me if you could send me something back. i'm really sorry if you don't understand everything i wrote here, but I don't speak english, i'm just learning it. i hope i'll get something back of you...

grtz Marieke

hiya tom im fine now just broke ma arm i was so scared

How tall are you now?

Bibi o Didi
heyaa darling lmao

heres ya comment seen as tho a didnt leave u 1 last time and i didnt seem happy sowie pettal:(

wb lv ya xxx

hey tom hwz u likin the nw website dd

would it be possible if your not to busy that u could come in to cockermouth oxfam shop and do a sign day or something like. got back to me asap

Hej everybody.
i was just checking my website
and i wanted to say Hello :)
And just what caroline said.
New music and new photos are comming very soon.

Tom x

Tom Morley
Hi Caroline.
I think the website is super. I have been waiting for a long time but finally it's up.
I really look forward to hear some new songs by Tom. I am really curious to find out how much his voice has changed :-)

Take care now
Best wishes from Dennis, Sweden

Hello everybody! I hope you´re all fine.
I thought I would let you know that Toms new songs will be on shortly and also new pictures of Tom.
What do yous think about the new website then?
It is not 100% complete but will be soon.
Take care all.

Caroline Morley