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Gordon Roxburgh | 8/30/2009
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dylan robson | 7/30/2009
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I just found my old Junior Competition 2003 cd, and heard your song. Once I heard it I just froze.. You got suc ha beautiful voice, even though you were just a little boy then. It's petty my cd has many ripes in it so I couldn't hear the whole song properly through. Anyway!

Greetings from Norway!
If you could, I would be delightet to get a letter from you! Please!

Gildheisvegen 17B, 7044 TRONDHEIM, NORGE!

I'm a fan of your beautiful voice!

Annie | 4/19/2009
Hi! We love Tom's "My Song For the World". Our 11 year old son loves the song too and is trying to learn to sing it. Do you have a karaoke version of it available? Please let me know.
Thanks for your help!

Keith | 4/14/2009
Hey again :)
I Love Your voice Tom!
Are you gonna visit Sweden soon??
I really want to meet you somethime ^^

Hugs and kisses from Mathilda <3<3

Mathilda | 3/31/2009
I just wanted to say that when i watched you on the TV in 2003 i was truely inspired by this song. It has been in my head since.
It just is an inspiring song.
By the way- im from cumbria too :)

Patsy Crowther | 3/31/2009

I really like Tom Morleys music and would really wan´t 2 have hi music on my cell phone so..... can´t you do so we (the fans) can download his music?? <3<3 I like him allot and i really want his music! :D

Many Hugs from Mathilda <3<3

hey there :)
it's been a long time since i've been here..
but yesterday i suddenly rememberd your song (for the world) and now i'm visiting your site again ^^
i'm totally addicted to your cover from ''home'', you sang it beautiful.
just one question.
how old are you?


lydia | 3/23/2009
I love your mucis!! But I wonder: How high are you?

Greetings from Germany

Dori | 2/25/2009