**** Metal Covenant's Book Of Guests ****

Feel free to leave a message or a greeting and let us know what you think about the site.

Skulle bara säga att MetalCovenant rockar !! ;)

Andreas | 7/12/2004
Iam a very big metall fan
You can go on my Homepage:

Tobias | 6/29/2004
Längst ned i Ligeia-recensionen finns en länk till eyesofligeia.cjb.net och jag tänkte bara säga att ni har länkat till helt fel band.

Åtgärdat. Tack för påpekandet. //Tommy

Peter | 6/29/2004
Hey! great site you have here! i hope you are getting the appreciation for your work in the metal community!. You have my vote for hard working metalheads! Keep it up! Cheers!

Alex Warren | 6/29/2004
Metal com cinco guitarras cadastre sua Banda no site

Roger that...... //Tommy

undergroundv | 6/24/2004
Fallen Angels have just finished recording there new EP "Extinction" in Studiomega (The crown, Anata, Arise) and a new slaughtered track "Misanthropic coil" is downloadable trough the melodic death metal acts website: www.fallofangels.com

fallen | 6/19/2004

Tjena ,
Kolla in ::VIRGIN SIN::
får man bara inte missa


sinner | 6/17/2004
New mordichrist song "Immemorial" for free download at http://www.vitaminic.se/cgi-php/get_file.php3?modo=1&bid=425550

loom | 6/14/2004
Good live pictures on metal/hardrock bands on this page.www.metalphotos.se

The Rocker | 5/31/2004
Ar e you guys gonna make a review for the new Mob Rules and Scorpions CD??

Most likely, but I can't give a timeframe for it I am afraid. Other things are on the schedule at the moment, as well as staff shortage during the festival season. Just make sure to keep coming back, and we'll see what we have in stock for you. ;) //Tommy

Rodrigo Ojea | 5/31/2004
Tre True Metal Warriors!!!!!!! Visit Us

Juliana Santos | 5/30/2004
Fryslân is it moaiste lân fan d'ierde!
Klearrebarre metal hjirre! Fryslân Frij!! Swier Metaal!

I am not that fluent in the frisian language, but as far as I can see you think Friesland (a dutch area, for the uninitiated) is the best place in the world. I would not agree on that, perhaps, but more with your second opinion: Metal rules! :) //Tommy

Bart | 5/23/2004
Brazillian Metal Warrior!! Visit us!!

Andrea Insano | 5/16/2004
Fan va den på svenska??

Å ser ju bra ut dessutom... undrar varför man inte har hunnit kolla innan... Hmmmmm

Nåja....Kolla in sthlm-döds utan pardon. Skiva nu i Juli.. europa Turne i Juni...




birath | 5/16/2004
Varför har jag inte sett denna sida förut? Massor med godis ju.

Ja, säg det.......se bara till att fortsätta komma tillbaka i framtiden. Mer godis kommer det att bli framöver - jag lovar. //Tommy

K. Beckman | 5/14/2004
Hell-O !!!

Skulle bara vilja tacka Tim & Metal Covenant zinet för en jävligt nice recension på våran promo skiva, tack!

// Denny "Swedish Massacre"

Denny | 5/6/2004
Tycker ni borde göra en recension på Ensiferum's nya album "Iron".
Tummen upp för en bra sida!

Tackar för berömmet! Tack även för tipset om Ensiferum. Det var en ny bekantskap för åtminstone mig, men jag har nu kollat upp, och det ser intressant ut. Vi ska se vad vi kan göra angående en recension. //Tommy

Henrik Kentsson | 4/29/2004
Ni suger fortfarande avföring. Översättning: You still suck arse!!!

But still you apperantly keep visting the site. That indicates retarded behaviour to me. //Tommy

Avföringsmannen | 4/28/2004
Gracias, for a good recention of Evergreys "the inner circle".

I am very curious to her this new masterpiece :)

Saludos de España

Antonio | 4/14/2004
Hey, the reviews your site is very very good, I'm lucky you let me use them in my website! Keep up the good work, and ROCK ON!!!

Rodrigo Ojea | 4/10/2004
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