**** Metal Covenant's Book Of Guests ****

Feel free to leave a message or a greeting and let us know what you think about the site.

Hej! Snygg sida! Länge Leve Metal

Wry Dark | 4/5/2004
tack för komplimangerna i våran gästbok. vi kommer så fort vi kan spela in med sång! och om du undrar så är det growlsång!

emil nyström | 4/4/2004
how come u guys dont have atreyu???

I don't know. I have an uncle who has arthritis, though..... //Tommy

Curtis | 3/30/2004
Hello, Finally you have updated, nice reviews as always and thanks for the message in our guestbook Tommy. It really warmth my soul :)
Well, I dont know if the sentence above is "writeable" but, I think you understand what I mean.

Best Wishes/ Johan

Johan | 3/26/2004
Just found this site. very cool.
(Tesla clips here.)

Todd | 3/23/2004
Your page rules!!!!

Well, well....many thanks :) //Tommy

Rudy | 3/22/2004
Nice reply there Tommy

Rock on man!

I'm rockin', I'm rockin'...... //Tommy

Jonas | 3/22/2004
Vad är det för jävla as som har skrivit Tales of a holy quest-recensionen då? Lär er nåt om musik innan ni skriver skit om nåt som egentligen är jävligt bra. OK att detta är deras svagaste skiva än så länge, men den är ändå lätt förra årets bästa skiva.

Translation of the above for the english readers:
"What kind of fucking bastard is it that has written the Tales of a holy quest review? Learn something about music before you write shit about something that is actually good. OK that this is their weakest album so far, but it's easily last year's best album".

Well - I guess I am the fucking bastard, than. I stand strong in my opinion that it stinks, simply because it's lousy songwriting. To make you understand the concept of reviews easier: It is my opinion about the material that is being projected - noone elses. If you think it's last years best album - nice for you. I think, however, that says more about your musical knowledge than mine. //Best regards, Tommy

Christian | 3/17/2004
Great work on the Thunderball review by U.D.O.!!

Many thanks! Be sure to pick up the album when it comes - it rocks! //Tommy

Metalheart | 3/17/2004
Tjena..tänkt e bara pusha lite för CellOut.Sthlm`s nya metal/rock band som sparkar röv!Sen starten okt 03 så har det rasat i ett otrolig fart..så kom förbi siten och lyssna på några samples och "Join the revolution.." :)

percy | 3/6/2004
ville bara säga att metal covenant är en mycket bra sida. kollar in här nästan varje dag.

Vi lyfter på hatten och tackar för berömmet. Fortsätt gärna att komma tillbaka - vi kommer att bli större och bättre.... //Tommy

jeppe k | 2/29/2004
Our site sells casettes,cds,mags and long plays with spanish writings of: Kiss, Maiden, AC/DC, MOTLEY CRUE, Metallica, Judas, Rainbow, Purple, Whitesnake, Ozzy, Dio,etc. And Argentina, Brasil and Spain bands: Rata Blanca, Barilari, Jeriko, Marchesi Leonor female singer of Santa and Purpura, Abaxial, V8, ALmafuerte, Logos, Kief, Lethal, Hermetica, Barni, Horcas, Serpentor, Visceral, Ojos Negros, Leviathan, Azeroth, Obus, A. del I, Neron, Baron, Clavion, Angra, Avalon, etc.

fernando | 2/28/2004
cool site please check our site
--www.bubonicplague.nl--< br>

Have done. Nothing much there yet, though.... :) //Tommy

bubonic plague | 2/3/2004
Just checking out the site, very cool. If any one is interested in hearing a dark melodic metal band , check out TENEbRAE. The web site is www.thegreatestband.com . We are a big supporter of the metal scene so if you have a band or webzine etc... please email me to link up at danthemighty@thegreatestb and.com. Also if you are interested in a free demo from TENEbRAE email me as well, there wont be many left soon, as we are going into the studio to record our first full length cd. But whatever demos we do have are free, so let me know. Thank you for your time , until next time... Dan TENEbRAE

Dan | 1/31/2004
Imponerande! Vilka omfattande recensioner. Mycket fakta. Sakligt.

Men hur (i jösse namn) kan en skivas produktion väga lika tungt som komposition i bedömning av brahet?

Personligen har jag aldrig låtit produktion väga lika tungt som musik i bedömningen av en skiva. Det är dock en viktig faktor som måste nämnas, eftersom den bästa musiken i världen kan ruineras totalt av en skräpproduktion. På samma sätt finns det inte en chans att dåliga låtar kan räddas ens av den bästa produktion i världen.
Tackar och bockar för övrigt så djupt jag kan för de trevliga orden om sidan.

horst | 1/24/2004
Just wanted to say that Dragonforce (www.dragonforce.com) will realease a new album called Sonic Firestorm at the 19 of april. I hope you will do a review of it! The last album they did "Valley Of The Damned" was awesome if you havent heard it!

Of course we will do a review of the upcoming Dragonforce release. Albums of that character won't pass us by, I promise =) Should be real interesting to see if the band can equal or even surpass their great debut Valley of the Damned.

Henrik Kentsson | 1/23/2004
Denna sida är ett plus i kanten p.g.a. UPCOMING sidan, det är sånt man vill veta som läsare // Seek and Destroy

Micke | 1/16/2004
To all swedes: Remember to vote for the best metal album of 2003! You can win some very nice prices by voting! Vote until the 20:th of january at: http://www.metalcentral.net

The page is 100% swedish

Metalcentral | 1/13/2004
I have listened to Wuthering Heights latest album and thought it was quite different from the last two..much more bombastic and more speed...what is your reflection of that?

I have now heard the other 2 albums, and they are almost just as great! Amazingly good, and a solid buy if you liked the last album. I have to agree, though, that the last one is a bit more bombastic, energetic and more speedy. //Tommy

Mange | 1/11/2004
One of the best sites ever... keep up the good work!

As long as we have visitors like you, I will do my best to keep it up. The pleasure is all on my side. :)

Henrik | 1/9/2004
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