**** Metal Covenant's Book Of Guests ****

Feel free to leave a message or a greeting and let us know what you think about the site.

Hi all, unfortunately I too have a message directed to Tommy (my reason for posting here). The Manowar - Warriors of the World CD review was absolute and utter tripe. How biased can you get? No band on Earth can produce classic after classic even after a 6 year break. My God.. the album was not the greatest of all, but still way above average. And a very welcome addition to a Manowar fan's CD collection. Certainly deserving a much higher rating than 3, which dontes that the album is worth only one or two listens. Anyway.

This is a great site that I've just recently discovered and one that I'll continue to visit regularly.

Hail Metal Covenant.

Thanks for your opinion. As for mine, I still think it stinks and is not worth more than 3. I always say about this album: there are 2 songs that are really, really awesome (Call To Arms and Hand Of Doom), and if the album would contain more songs of that standard, it could have been a killer. But the rest of the cd is emberassingly bad, and the grade can not be higher than this. And do you mean I should take in consideration how long time has passed from the last cd when giving the grade? A lousy album is a lousy album, no matter if it has taken 6 months or 12 years to do. Many thanks for the nice words about the site, however, and please come again. :) //Tommy

lionheart | 2/5/2005
...about that review of The Human Equation by Ayreon.

As delighted I was exploring this site and all the fine content it offers, as disappointed I am after reading the review of THE by Tommy. I can't imagine that someone who likes the kind of music Ayreon offers can't appreciate this album. IMHO it is the best folk prog album for many years and it has received many more than positive reviews after its release.

I can't argue about taste but maybe you shouldn't review a music genre you don't like. IMHO Arjen Lucassen is one of the best musician in Holland at the moment. If you insist on bashing Dutch artists I'd like to suggest a review of Boyz2Men or something like that.

You may be right that I should not review a style that I normally don't like or listen to, and it hardly or ever happens as I try to aviod that in order to give fair judgments. But the reason to why I chose to give my opionion on this one, was that Ayreon is a band/project that most metalfans listen to and buy. Since this site is in the business of reviewing metal, I just wanted to give my opinion to if this is something for the ordinary metalhead to pick up, and inform how much metal this really is. I have listened to it a few times after this, and the grade still stands solid. Thanks a lot for the input, however. Much appreciated. :) //Tommy

pastinakel | 2/5/2005
feel free to visit the official website of swedish hardock band PREY.

Thank you..

Webmaster4nation | 1/27/2005
Hi everyone!!! I'm the singer of the spanish band DREAMAKER and I want to say hi to Tommy, hey guy you rule!!!! This site is amazing. Kisses for all. STAY HEAVY!!!

You are very welcome, Elisa. :) It is an honor to hear this from you. See you around, and I'm very much looking forward to the soon-to-come Dreamaker album! //Tommy

Elisa C.Martin | 1/24/2005
Nice review on the Scar Symmetry's Symmetric In Design. Since you loved the vocals on that, do yourself a favor and check out Unmoored's Indefinite Soul-Extension from 2003. It has Christian Älvestam (Vocals in Scar Symmetry) doing vocals and on guitar. The music is a little bit more extreme than SC but I think you'll like it. One of the best records of '03.

Keep up the good work m/

Thanks for the tip, Jester. I am in fact in the process of checking up on other bands that have some sort of connection to Scar Symmetry. //Tommy

Jester | 1/11/2005
Aha, jo det såg jag, men jag tänkte att ni kanske inte hittade någon anan bild och sedan att du har nämnt någon av ovanstående låtar i recensionen fick mig att undra. Personligen så räknar jag debuten och Walls som två skilda album. Hur det förhåller sig CD-mässigt vet jag inte riktigt men jag har faktiskt för mig att jag har sett Helloween - S/T som CD på cdon för längesedan. Den finns ju även som japanpress, så finns gör den
God fortsättning.
Mvh: Johan aka Kalven

Hörrudu, Thomas. Jag måste klaga lite på din Helloweengenomgång. Bra skrivet och i viss mån (viss) - vissa skivor fick lite väl låga beyg - har du samma åsikter som mig. Men det är banne mig tjänstefel att inte inkludera debuten "Helloween" som troligtvis är Helloweens bästa platta. Låtarna: Starlight, Murderer, Warrior, Victim Of Fate och Cry For Freedom är ju i n t e med på "Walls Of Jericho" och kan ju därmed inte räknas med i den plattan. Nu vet jag i och för sig inte om du helt enkelt har skitit i dem låtarna eller om du räknar med dem i "Walls Of Jericho", det framgår inte av texten, så hur ligger det till? Jag skulle bli glad om du skulle vilja korrigera det - i mina ögon - felet . God Jul, Mvh: Johan

Tjenare Johan och God Jul till dig oxå.
Måste säga att det är fruktansvärt roligt med uppmärksamma läsare och att jag borde kanske klargjort
i recensionen att skivan Helloween är inkluderad, för visst tusan har jag inte missat denna.
Tanken bakom var att jag aldrig sett någon version av Walls Of Jericho utan att Helloween Ep:n ingått, men ingen är perfekt så jag kan ha fel där.
Och tittar du dessutom på omslagsbilden vid sidan av texten så kan man se att det är Walls Of Jericho med debuten inkluderad som bonus som illustreras. :)
Men jag skall se till att texten korrigeras för att inte förvirra framtida läsare.;)
// Thomas

Hello everyone

Just wanna wish you guys the best for 2005. Though I - depending on the reviews - sometimes agree and disagree with the stated opinions, MC is still a very good metalsite and in general quite reliable as a shopping guide. Keep up the good work and lots of success, good health and the good things in life, professionally and privately.

Cu next year.


Many, many thanks for the nice words, Tim. We also wish you, as well as the rest of our readers - steady or occasional - the very best for 2005. Keep coming back, and feel free to spread the word. We got a lot in store for you for the coming year.... //Tommy

Tja ba snygg site...vår hårdrockssite ligger lite på dekis just nu..men kika in vet ja..God jul till alla metallovers

Webmaster @ HN.com | 12/22/2004
Går det bra att skriva svenska här?
Älskar verkligen den här sajten och vill tipsa alla svenska metallovers att besöka min och några vänners hemsida:

www.omfilm.net som givetvis handlar om film :)

Det går alldeles utmärkt, det. :) Å övriga medarbetares vägnar tackar jag så hemskt mycket för det goda betyget, och hoppas att ni fortsätter komma tillbaka. Snygg och informativ sida, förresten. Den besöker jag fler gånger. //Tommy

Ville bara passa på att tacka Kapten Silver för den utmärkta DT-recensionen. Väntan till den 24/1 blev ju inte mer uthärdlig nu...

Jag kan inte annat än lyfta på hatten, höken, och tacka för supporten och den goda kritiken. //Tommy

Den värmländske Höken | 12/14/2004
What happened to the News-section?

Removed. Too much work for too little benefit. Sorry for any inconvenience. //Tommy

hailz.... visit a brazilian thrash band distraught in http://www.distraught.com.br and see our video clip in http://www.distraught.com.br/videos/Distraught_The_Order.zip

new cd "behind the veil" - 2004

Tack som fan för den grymma recensionen! Alltid kul när folk uppskattar ens verk :)

Ha det!
Martin/Moonlight Agony

Hi Tommy

Just wanna 'compliment' and 'complain' about Thomas's review of Manticora's "8 Deadly Sins".. again I'll use some quotes.

"When they go for the full throttle and deliver faster and thrashier parts, I am loving it completely, especially when they make superb riffing filled with leads and harmonies of the best quality."

=> yep, very true. I too love it very much.

"One minus, though - as their music stretches widely in range, their vocalist does not. He has a good enough voice to not destroy anything, but it is limited in range and power. (...) but Lars F. Larsen has limitations to his voice that the other guys haven't. And even if he can sing decently, I would like to have a bit more power and range in order to prevent his voice from coming out as monotone as it tends to do."

=> sorry to say this, but here Thomas is nagging (I know, it's his personal opinion ) about a small detail. Lars has a special voice, and is able to express certain emotions with it, which he does in a great way. For me, his voice is also a trademark of the band, you instantly know by his voice that it's Manticora playing.

"8 Deadly Sins" is (for me) one of the best Power Metal releases of 2004, having great riffs and melodies, keyboards adding a certain depth to the songs, battering drums, the 'discussed' vocals, ... Giving this album a score of 5/10 is way too low for a superb release like this and for a band which has a lot qualities. I'd give it 8.5, even 9 for some songs.

I just hàd to post this, nothing personal though.


Hi Tim.

First I would like to say thanks for reading and compliment my review.
Always great to get some feedback, positive as well as negative and to know that people reads the stuff I write.
And his voice is not a big thing to get hooked up on, but it was one thing that I felt should be pointed out
in order to give my perspective of the full picture. .
He has a good voice but I dont feel that it is powerful enough to fully incorperate with the music,
it should have been a bit more high-pitched, and as you said, it is just my humble opinion.
I have listened to the album once again to see if I possibly made a mistake when I set the grade, but I stand fast.
I just cant see the depth in their music as you talk about, its good but not better than average in my eyes.
Compared with Mercenary that I think lies fairly close they have a long way to go.

Keep those comments coming, no matter if they are of the good or the bad kind, it is always nice to get some respons.

Keep it heavy // Thomas

Tim Vervaeke | 11/7/2004
Accept booked to RockHard festival in Germany next summer, there are rumours of a possible appearance in Sweden Rock as well! www.rockhard.de

The links is the best thing in these sites

Children of bodom rulz 4ever..Finnish music... ...its great...
...i don`t understand what in there is but its the best music in world...

Hi guys I like very much your site... visit www.aislingweb.it

ok, 2nd post in a short time

Last Friday I went out to expand my collection and returned with Axenstar's 'Far From Heaven'. It's about this album that I wanna give my opinion, combined with Mat's review.

I was looking for something new (not the next Kamelot or Sonata Arctica. Btw, Sonata's newest is indeed a weak album, with few good songs, but most of it is 'been there, heard it before, nothing new', so I didn't buy it). Anyhow, I saw Axenstar's 'Far From Heaven' and decided to give it a listen. I was pleasantly surprised. Ofcourse, you can compare it with e.g. Sonata, but I find it a little better in terms of melodies, guitars, ... The vocals may be the 'weakest' point, but he's got potential.

Allow me to quote from the review:

"Far From Heaven is one of the more melodic albums released this year and If Axenstar ever would release an entire instrumental album I would be among the first one in line that's for sure." ---> I totally agree and yes, an instrumental album would surely be fantastic.

"Far From Heaven may not be the release of the year but taken more literary it doesn't end up that far from entering the more divine metal realms either. Many other reviewers will probably totally send out Axenstar to the penalty box and state that this has been done hundreds of times before. As far as I'm concerned those opinions are of the very ignorant sort and will give Axenstar a very undeserved bad grade. Not only fans of previous mentioned bands but also followers of the melodic power metal scene in general shouldn't go wrong with Axenstar and Far From Heaven. A serious check up is well worth the effort and I hope this band begins to get a more positive response from the media than they have so far, 'cause they truly deserve it!" ---> True, very true (also what Mat says about those opinions being of the very ignorant sort ). Power Metal (melodic, symphonic, ...) is my favourite metalgenre and the band deserves positive attention. It can only get better.

Sorry for the long message

No worries - make the postings as long as you like, Tim. :) It's nice that you seem to agree with, and get help from, our reviews. My opinion about the album is basically the same as Mat's, so I am also falling in to the lines of appreciators. I am sure Mat will appreciate your words too.... //Tommy

Tim Vervaeke | 10/24/2004
Hi folks!
Check out www.mandrake-metal.tk and listen to a song and tell me what you think!


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